Mastering the Prepositional case

From whom?


you have already learned the Prepositional case but you are still struggling with it


you know rules of the Prepositional but you’re not confident in constructing accurate sentences and expressing yourself with precision


you want to systematize your previous knowledge, dive deeper into the nuances of the prepositional case and enhance your overall fluency

How it works?


This course is designed to transform your understanding of the challenging aspect of Prepositional case. Whether you're a beginner, intermediate or advanced learner, this course will guide you step-by-step, providing a solid foundation for your Russian language journey.

The course consists of 12 lessons, including a final review. Additionally, you will have a small review after every two lessons to enhance your retention of new information. Throughout the course, you will learn how to correctly utilize nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in the Prepositional case.

How will you work?

The course takes place on an interactive platform where you will find videos featuring my explanations, grammar rules, exercises (which will be automatically checked), and speaking practice. Additionally, you will have access to audio explanations from me after the grammar exercises, allowing you to verify your answers and understand your mistakes.

Final review

The final review will include a speaking exercise that will be assessed by a teacher. It will help you summarize all the new information and assess your progress in this topic. 


Lesson 1. The place where I live. You will learn how to: 

  • describe a city 
  • make up dialogues connected to your daily routine
  • talk about location 

Lesson 2. Where do you live? You will learn how to: 

  • describe different countries and cities
  • use all endings in the Prepositional case + exceptions 
  • talk about life in your country 

Lesson 3. Review 1: you will review the 1st and the 2nd lessons. 

Lesson 4. Objects in rooms. You will learn how to: 

  • talk about different objects in rooms
  • describe different photos 
  • talk about your room 

Lesson 5. What do you do in your free time? You will learn how to: 

  • understand the difference between prepositions “в”, “во”. “на”
  • talk about your leisure time 
  • talk about different entertainments

Lesson 6. Review 2: you will review the previous 2 lessons.

Lesson 7. Women’s and men’s preferences. You will learn how to: 

  • express opinions and thoughts 
  • use pronouns in the Prepositional
  • talk about men’s and women’s difference  

Lesson 8. Musical instruments. You will learn how to: 

  • talk about different types of musical instruments
  • respond to questions 
  • describe your musical skills 

Lesson 9. Review 3: you will review the previous 2 lessons.

Lesson 10. Parts of the house. You will learn how to: 

  • describe your house and rooms
  • use adjectives in the Prepositional case
  • give opinion about other rooms 

Lesson 11. Describing rooms. You will learn how to: 

  • use the most common adjectives in a context
  • make up difficult sentences in the Prepositional 
  • describe buildings and areas in more detail

Lesson 12. Review 4: you will review the previous 2 lessons.

Lesson 13. Final review. You will do the final task to review the whole course. This task will be checked by the teacher: you will receive her feedback and recommendations on what you need to improve.

PRICE - 85 $

Disclaimer: This product is non-refundable. All sales are final. 

Now all payments you can do on PayPal.



Most tasks will be checked on the platform automatically with the teacher's audio explanations.Also, during the video lessons, the teacher will give assignments and answers to them with her feedback. Only the final review will be checked by a teacher. 

I recommend to watch my video to understand what cases are and why we need them. Afterwards, you can attend my course. 

It depends on your pace. Each lesson typically takes approximately one week.

You need to know the Russian alphabet, be able to read simple sentences, understand the Nominative case, know genders, conjugations and be capable of constructing simple sentences on your own.

Yes, you can pay on the PayPal account. Please, before paying, contact a teacher. 


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